🇮🇱 Zion Oil & Gas Update: May 21, 2024

May 21, 2024


Dear Zion Shareholders and Supporters,

We anticipate that by early June, our team will have the crew on location, prepared to move the rig just several meters on the MJ-01 drill pad location to the MJ-01 welbore, complete the necessary regulatory and safety operations, and then proceed with the MJ-01 recompletion operations. We have collaborated closely with Israel’s ministry of interior and have successfully submitted visa applications for our rig crew, which includes individuals from various parts of eastern Europe.

Despite the persistent logistical obstacles and challenges of getting crew members and equipment into the country due to the ongoing conflict, we have secured a service provider committed to our mission, and our other contracted vendors remain dedicated to Zion’s vision for Israel.

As we advance with current plans, we are exercising appropriate caution while staying undeterred by the region's turmoil. We deeply appreciate your unwavering support and prayers, which are invaluable as we navigate these difficult times and work towards fulfilling Zion’s mission for Israel.

Thank you for walking with us in faith as God provides the way forward. Shalom,

Robert Dunn

Monty Kness
VP of Operations

"Have I not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous.
Do not be afraid;
do not be discouraged,
for the Lord your God
will be with you wherever you go."

Joshua 1:9

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